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What is Ad Hoc Analysis?

Ad hoc analysis refers to the process of getting an answer to one single business query at a time. It enables deep analytics where users ask a question and based on the answer they ask the next question, and the cycle continues. Using this, business users can drill down to the most granular level of detail of data such as a user account or any specific transaction record.

What is Ad Hoc Reporting?

Ad hoc reporting is a one-time report that allows users to get answers to business-critical questions instantly by referring to insights on dynamic dashboards that use real-time data.

Benefits of Ad Hoc Analysis

Accurate business decisions
It allows users to get instant, in-depth insights from their data. This enables them to make more accurate business decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Less dependency on IT teams
In today’s time, speed of thought insights can make or break a business. Managers and business executives need to provide stakeholders with actionable insights. With the help of ad hoc reporting and analysis, they can get these important insights on that own rather than having to depend on anyone else.

Cost and time saving
Enterprises dealing with massive volumes of data need smart business intelligence tools and technologies to get access to relevant information. Ad hoc analysis tools help employees to get their queries answered in seconds thus saving more time for them to focus on other important tasks while also saving costs.

Ease of collaboration
With the help of such reporting and analysis, different groups of people or companies can collaborate easily by sharing information and reports. This again helps save time and create a single source of truth for enterprises.

Evaluating Ad Hoc Reporting & BI Tools

Ad hoc reporting tools must empower business users to access and utilize data for decision-making easily. When evaluating a BI tool, you should ensure that it has the following features.

Self-service reporting
When performing ad hoc analysis at scale, self-service capabilities become essential. With self-service reporting, individuals with limited technical knowledge will be able to leverage the benefits of ad hoc analysis.

Data visualization capabilities
Data is better understood in a visualization format than written or spoken words. Data presented in charts and graphs assist business executives to be able to make informed and more accurate business decisions.

Access to multiple data sources
A tool that provides access to multiple data sources is one that allows its users flexibility while extracting data for querying. Additionally, the insights generated are far more comprehensive than they were before and can answer current as well as future questions.

Simplification of the decision-making process while promoting collaboration between teams is the main objective of ad hoc reporting. Business executives and stakeholders when empowered with the ability to share their findings will lead to streamlined decision-making and business growth.


Uses of Ad Hoc Analysis and Reporting

Sales and Marketing
Large enterprises have a lot of customer data. This data can be used via ad hoc analysis to create different dashboards and generate insights for taking further actions to improve sales. Marketing users can dig into granular data and find out the performance of products in different regions and create more effective strategies for better sales.

By performing ad hoc analysis on patient records, doctors can get instant insights about the vitals of a patient. They can then provide accurate recommendations and apt treatments as per the report of an individual patient.

Running a successful manufacturing unit requires operational efficiency and supply chain management. Use of ad hoc analysis can help furnish real-time data that ensures manufacturers can maintain quality standards and reduce costs.

Ad hoc analysis assists retailers to keep track of the constantly changing market trends and customer buying patterns. Retail operations can be improved to deliver a more personalized shopping experience by analyzing the supply chain, in-store operations and consumer segmentation data.

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