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Elasticity is the ability to dynamically allocate resources to workflows, processes, projects and meet varying demands without bothering about the capacity planning and engineering for peak usage. Elasticity is managed by the system monitoring tools that automatically allot or release resources by contemplating the number of resources needed to provide the exact number of assets for each project without interrupting operations. This way, an enterprise does not have to pay for unused resources and worry about spending on maintenance and the cost of additional resources and equipment.
For instance – To run an application, you need the following –

  • A specific environment,
  • Computing power,
  • Virtual machines, and
  • Storage space

In this case, the elasticity of the cloud will only provide the necessary assets needed to run the application. If you need to run more than one application simultaneously and you need more virtual machines then, the virtual machines will only be provided to you when you implement the new applications and not in advance.
Today, enterprises had massive volumes of data landing from multiple sources such as traditional point-of-sale systems, social media platforms, e-commerce sites, or IoT sensors streaming data in real-time. And the transaction workload increases even more during festive seasons, and enterprises need to spike up their resources. Thus, the elasticity becomes expensive, and due to high concurrency, performance might also suffer. They need a solution that can sustain modern data workloads and provide support for complex business use cases.
Kyvos, with its Smart OLAP technology and advanced algorithms, leverages the computing capacity of the cloud to pre-aggregate trillions of rows of data across multiple dimensions and build a highly optimized OLAP model and store it on the cloud. Therefore, Kyvos uses the cloud’s flexible storage and provides instant access to massive data in sub-seconds.

Benefits of using Kyvos to resolve Elasticity issues

  1. The Smart OLAP technology enables scaling up and down on resources as needed and delivers cost-effective BI on the cloud without any disruptions.
  2. Depending upon the expected load, it can also scale up and down the Querying capacity leading to consistently high performance while optimizing the Querying cost.
  3. Kyvos gives the ability to enterprises to provision their cluster to scale up or down at specific pre-set times, based on the workloads.

Kyvos innovative Smart OLAP technology is designed for the cloud to deal with an unexpected increase in demand or seasonal demands.

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